Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good News

Well, it took me about 20 hours to long to write this post, but for some reason, I have been a little busy. We got the good news yesterday that the pathology came back and Ty's tumor was benign, and the original diagnosis. Praise God!I have never received better news. I can't believe that over a week ago I was stressing about his milk allergy and thought that was our biggest problem. If you know me, you know that I am the biggest worrier on the planet. I told Casey today that this should really keep my worrying in check. This proves that no matter what you worry about, it doesn't prevent it from happening, nor does it make it any easier to handle... so my CHALLENGE is to have complete and utter faith always and not worry about the uncontrollable. God always provides, as he did for us with infertility and now  our son's health. Beth Moore has quoted often about how God's plan is perfect and how true that actually is. As I think back to the previous year before we got here, I think about all the ups and downs and about how it led us here. Last year, we had 2 miscarriages, one of which was recent (October). I don't know how we would have gotten through this with a child on the way or a newborn. In February, we decided to sell our house and move to Madisonville. In doing this, we freed up a mortgage and a car payment, as well as moving to an amazing town with loads of supporting people. Lastly, before I took the job at Prosperity I was due to go to London with my mom and sister, however did not have the vacation to do this with them since I took a new job. THEY LEFT SATURDAY.  All of these things would have had some kind of burden or role in us being here, had they not happened. My point is this, so often we question why things happen, especially the bad. Well, I won't allow myself to ever question now because I know good and bad, God has a plan for everything.  I don't yet know how Ty's health fits into his plan, but it is not For me to know, just accept. I have to close today with a positive note about his improvement. He took monumental steps today at PT. He walked on his own about 5 or 6 steps and played for 30 minutes in the playroom. With the exception of balance, he is on his way to a full recovery.

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