Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Neurological Evaluation

Well, it is a little hard to blog about Ty's neurological evaluation on Monday because I wasn't there.. Ty's daddy took him.  Unfortunately, all of this medical stuff came when I had only been at my job less than a year, so sick time is not something that I have much of anymore. I hate that I had to miss it, but I have to put some time toward's work. Basically Ty had to be evaluated to see how he is doing after the first brain surgery and before the second. After four hours, they determined he is in the top of his age group. What a smart boy I have! My mother in law was sending me updates and I got a little teary eyed. Again, I feel like he is forced to be such a grown up through this. What two year old wants to go through tests like this? " How many eyes do you have Ty" "Which one matches" What color is this" I mean, not only was Ty very tired, he is also only 2 years old. He may perform outstanding one day and not the other because that is how a two year old operates.Casey said that you could tell Ty was getting frustrated at times. We are exactly one week away for that dreadful surgery #2. I am ready for it to be here and be gone. I am ready for life to be normal, or as normal as possible... does this sound familiar??? I think I have said it a time or too, and I pray that that day is sooner rather than later. Please keep my sweet son in your prayers and Casey and I. Please pray that God guides the doctors hands and that they are able to safely remove Ty's tumor and we can move forward. Pray that his recovery is as amazing as the first and that he doesn't have bad memories as a child. Spread the word wherever you go to pray for my sweet child. I know God is watching over him and holding our hands and I know we will get through this.

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