Thursday, May 19, 2011

Milk, Milk, Milk

Well, I haven't really had anything to blog on lately. Since my last blog, we have been pretty busy enjoying summer. We went to the circus, which was fun, and we are doing a lot of playing outside and enjoying the sunshine. Ty is still just as full of energy as ever. He loves being outside.  His hair has really started to grow back too and there are actually days that I don't see his scar, but unfortunately still not days that I don't think about it, but one day... On a very positive note and a whole other health issue, Ty went to see the allergist yesterday to do what is called a "heated milk challenge". He had to eat a piece of muffin that was made with a powdered milk (doesn't sound great) and then 30 minutes later, eat a bigger piece.. He had to do this 4 times. Poor Casey and Sylvia who took him because it was a loooonnnggg appointment, but in the end the doctor says that he thinks they can reverse the allergy, just in time for his 3rd birthday. He will have a half of a muffin every day for 6 months. Guess I better become a baker :-) I guess this builds up his immunity towards milk. This is just becoming a year of discoveries :-) God is really working in our lives right now!

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