Thursday, August 4, 2011

Great News

Well, as I have been saying, God is good ALL the time, so very good. Ty had his second surgery yesterday to remove the piece of tumor. The surgery was quite a bit longer and he has been a little more tired, but the great news is that the MRI came back clear!!!! YAHOOO!!! I hate to say that I am still trying to convince myself that this too GOOD to be TRUE news is really that Good. I don't know why I am having a hard time, but I guess because we walked away the first time thinking that it was completely over and here we are. However, I know that the circumstances are definitely different. It is just one of those things that you hear about that is so very scary. I can't even say it outloud sometime without freaking out.. a brain tumor!!! How is that possible??? And now I  say my child had a brain tumor and is cured.. I guess right now the news is so surreal and incredible that I am letting it soak in. I am wanting my normalcy so very bad, so very bad that I have planned his birthday party already in October.  I am listening to him breath while he sleeps right now so peacefully and I am praying that that peacefulness will remain. His 2nd year of life was so rough, that I want his 3rd year to be the best year of our life. I want to spoil him so badley and not  care what anyone else thinks.. HA! In reality, I know I still have to treat him like a 3 yr old, but I will definitely spoil him the first half. Well, it is time to go sleep next to my little bed here in the ICU while I send my poor husband out to the waiting room to get some shut eye... sigh... maybe we will get a room tomorrow and get my little man to perk up.

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