Thursday, August 11, 2011

Accepting God's Gifts

Well, Ty is home now and doing fabulous. There was a little fluid built up behind his scar, which the Dr. said should go away, and after a few days, it seems that it has. He is just doing fabulous. I am still very overwhelmed with feelings, I believe. I still can't believe that it is over (with the exceptions of MRI's). I believe, going forward, the toughest challenge is accepting that. Don't get me wrong, I know in my heart that God has given us such an amazing gift by healing our precious Ty. But as a mom, it is so easy to worry about your child, because we love them so very much. This is what I am struggling with; worrying about him every minute, worrying that it will come back or something will come up. Maybe it is because we walked away in March thinking it was over and then went back. I don't know. I know in time, he will continue to get better and I will continue to get stronger. I do believe I am a different person and a much stronger person than I was 6 months ago, but I feel like right now, I am waiting for another challenge to be thrown our way and I know I should not be doing that. I think, part of God's plan, was to have me walk with him in all aspects of life and to stop living life through worry and fear, and I do believe I am doing that now, but I do stumble sometimes and I still fear sometimes. I think when I write, it reminds me to not do this and it helps me to get rid of that fear, if that makes any sense. Well, I am rambling now... On another note, please pray for a dear friend of mine right now that is pregnant. She has miscarried in the past and has the fears of a repeat..

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