Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I haven't blogged in a while, although I probably should have. Things have been very busy lately and I would say very stressful. I think the anniversary of Ty's tumor hit me really hard. It brought back lots of memories and made me very anxious, I hate to say it. Casey has opened his new business which has added another stress, but now that it is open and he is back to a little more normal schedule I think it will get better. I have been having alot of conversations with God, so I know he is on my side and I know eventually I won't dwell on Ty's tumor as much. I actually was reading the blog from the hospital today and sometimes it is kind of nice reading it. It reminds me of what could have been and what is now... I saw a picture of him in occupational therapy with him kicking a soccer ball and well, as irony would have it, here is a picture of him today kicking a soccer ball. God is good!! He can do anything if you just ask him :-)